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Mary Mary...why ya buggin ?? >

Mary Mary...why ya buggin ??


Mary Mary...why ya buggin ??

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Old 09-18-2010, 11:35 AM
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Love these dumba$$'s that post this $hit on the web.... They'll all get what they have coming... one way or another...
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Old 10-20-2010, 02:43 AM
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Domenic Torsen is the biggest scam artist bull****er and allot of people here in Illinois have his number. You know the old saying what comes around.... goes around! Thank you Mary King for putting your info out here and for being relentless for fighting what is right, this info has been very helpful. Domenic's rapid past is catching up to him. PLEASE keep everyone posted on the outcome of this. WE WANT TO SEE JUSTICE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMIY, IT INVOLVES ALL OF YOU and please keep it going!
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Old 10-20-2010, 06:44 AM
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Just for the fun of it... I decided to google Dominic's name to see what has popped up lately....

Looks like justice may be coming soon.... Google it for yourself... His full name is domenico torsen
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Old 10-22-2010, 12:06 PM
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Im glad the perpetrators are being prosecuted. I just wish the justice system moved faster so we can find out what happens to these pillars of society.
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Old 10-22-2010, 02:56 PM
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Wow, Google sure knows alot of info if you look for it.
Can't believe this scum lives just 6 doors down from a buddy of mine....Just for grins I'll do a drive by, I mean drive past.
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Old 10-22-2010, 03:01 PM
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Plaintiff, )
v. ) No. 10-CV-5661
Defendants. )
Plaintiff Kevin King brings his Complaint against defendants Domenico Torsen, Roman
Andreiw, American Family Mutual Insurance Company, and American Standard Insurance
Company of Wisconsin and states the following:
Nature of the case
1. This case is about the theft and stripping of an expensive powerboat, leaving only its
damaged hull. At all times, the boat was owned by Plaintiff Kevin King. Defendant Domenico
Torsen wrongfully converted it and caused it to be stripped of its engines, drives, props,
electronics, and other major equipment. Defendant Roman Andreiw, an insurance agent, falsely
represented that the vessel was insured. Andreiw is an agent or employee of Defendants
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and American Standard Insurance Company.
The parties
2. Plaintiff Kevin King (“King”) is an individual residing in McCordsville, Indiana.
3. Defendant Domenico Torsen (“Torsen”) is an individual residing in this district in
Bloomingdale, Illinois.

Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 1 of 7 PageID #:1
4. Defendant Roman Andreiw (“Andreiw”) is an individual residing in this district in
Itasca, Illinois.
5. Defendant American Family Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation organized
under the laws of Wisconsin, with its home office in Madison, Wisconsin, and is doing business
in Illinois and in this district.
6. American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin does business as “American
Standard Insurance Company.” It is a corporation organized under the laws of Wisconsin, with
its home office in Madison, Wisconsin, and is doing business in Illinois and in this district. It is
part of the American Family group of insurance companies.
Jurisdiction and venue
7. Jurisdiction is proper in this court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332(a)(1), because the
plaintiff and defendants are citizens of different states and the amount in controversy exceeds
$75,000 exclusive of interest and costs.
8. Venue is proper in this district, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(a)(1) or (2), because the
defendants reside in this district or because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving
rise to King’s claim occurred in this district.
Count I – Conversion of the vessel (Domenico Torsen)
9. The subject vessel was a 2005 OuterLimits 39-foot Quattro luxury offshore
powerboat with twin 600 hp Mercury Racing 600 sci engines, Hering propellers, SmartCraft
electronics, and other high performance equipment.
10. King purchased the boat new in 2005 for $630,000.
11. In the spring of 2009, Torsen expressed interest in purchasing the boat from King.
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 2 of 7 PageID #:2
12. In May 2009, King entrusted the boat to Torsen. By mutual agreement, the boat was
to be transported from Florida to CK Motorsports in Nunica, Michigan, who would inspect the
boat on Torsen’s behalf. Torsen was to pay King $265,000 for the boat, subject to the inspection.
13. King paid $1,375 to have the boat transport to Nunica, Michigan.
14. The boat was fully equipped and in ideal running condition when it was entrusted to
15. While the boat was in transit, Torsen contacted the driver and re-routed the boat to
16. After receiving the boat, Torsen told King that approval of his loan to purchase the
boat was delayed but that he would agree to pay King $3,800 per month to use the boat until his
financing was in place. King agreed to the rental by Torsen until financing was arranged but for
no longer than 24 months.
17. Torsen agreed to obtain full coverage insurance on the boat. King had offered to add
Torsen to King’s existing insurance policy, so long as Torsen would pay the premiums, but
Torsen insisted that they use another agent to place new coverage.
18. Torsen soon failed to make his rental payments for the boat, aggregating monthly
payments, and bouncing checks.
19. King and his lender demanded the return of the boat.
20. Initially, Torsen refused to return the boat and refused to say where it was.
21. The boat at times was kept by Torsen in a storage building in Hanover Park, Illinois,
but Torsen would not give the address to King or his lender.
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 3 of 7 PageID #:3
22. Torsen told King’s lender that he was “storing” the boat for King and that King owed
him $18,000 in unpaid storage fees on the boat. Torsen told the lender that he would not release
the boat until he collected the “storage” charges.
23. Torsen and the lender agreed to meet in Grand Haven, Michigan to exchange the boat
for a payment by the lender of $5,000.
24. In early July 2010, Torsen met with Jeff Henderson, owner of Henderson Marine, in a
parking lot in Grand Haven. Henderson was there to represent King’s lender. Torsen delivered
the stripped and damaged hull of King’s 2005 OuterLimits 39 Quattro, and Henderson gave
Torsen a Henderson Marine check for $5,000.
25. Henderson asked Torsen about the missing engines and other boat equipment. Torsen
falsely stated that King had delivered the boat to him in its current condition.
26. Before the boat was returned, Torsen caused the boat to be stripped of its engines,
drives, transoms, propellers, electronics, and other major equipment. All that was returned by
Torsen was a damaged hull.
27. The boat was stripped at CK Motorsports in Nunica, Michigan at Torsen’s direction
upon the false representation by Torsen that he had purchased the boat from King and that he,
Torsen, was going to equip the boat with even larger engines and other equipment.
28. At all times relevant hereto, King was the lawful owner of the boat, and Torsen was
without any authority to remove the engines and other equipment. Torsen was authorized only to
use the boat in return for his monthly payment of $3,800 and maintaining insurance.
29. On July 8, 2010, King’s wife, Mary King, called Torsen and asked, “Domenic, where
are my engines?” Torsen responded by yelling, “You’ll never know and I’ll never tell. If you
ever come to Bloomingdale, you’ll never see daylight again. I’ll kill you and your husband.”
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 4 of 7 PageID #:4
30. Torsen threatened the Kings again on July 16, 2010. He called Mary King at 12:35
a.m. and, after screaming various profanities, yelled, “I’m going to kill you and your entire
family. I’m going to introduce you to Chicago law.” Mary hung up the phone, and Torsen called
right back, but Mary did not answer. Torsen then called Kevin King’s phone, but Kevin did not
31. Thus far, the boat’s engines and other equipment have not been recovered.
32. King has been damaged by Torsen’s conversion in an amount exceeding $75,000 in
terms of either the pre-stripped fair market value of the boat or the cost to replace the equipment
and to repair and rebuild the boat, the amount paid to have the boat transported from Florida to
Nunica, Michigan, the lost rentals, and other amounts incurred by King as a consequence of the
33. Torsen’s conversion was willful and wanton in that he refused to return the boat when
demanded, refused to return the boat in its original condition, refused to communicate, failed to
make the rental payments, failed to obtain insurance on the boat, knew that he had no authority
to remove the engines or any other equipment from the boat, intended to profit from the sale of
the engines and other equipment, fabricated the story that he was “storing” the boat for King, and
has threatened to kill Kevin and Mary King and their family.
Wherefore, plaintiff Kevin King prays for judgment in his favor against defendant
Domenico Torsen for compensatory damages, punitive damages, costs, and such other relief as
the court deems just.
Count II – Breach of insurance producer’s professional duty
(Roman Andreiw, American Family Mutual, and American Standard)
34. King adopts and realleges Paragraphs 1 through 33, above, as Paragraph 34.
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 5 of 7 PageID #:5
35. After Torsen agreed to provide full coverage insurance on the boat, King asked for
proof of insurance. Torsen provided King with the name of the insurance agent, the agent’s
telephone number, and the name of the insurance company: Roman Andreiw (630-671-1070),
American Family Insurance.
36. On July 14, 2009, Mary King used the internet to confirm that Roman Andreiw was a
licensed agent in Illinois with American Family Insurance. She then called Andreiw to confirm
the existence of the insurance on the boat, the terms, and who and what was covered.
37. Andreiw confirmed that he had placed a boat policy on behalf of Torsen and King
and that Torsen had paid the premium in full for one year. Andreiw verified that, if anything
happened to the boat, the claim check would be payable to King as the registered owner.
Andreiw further stated that King would be notified of any policy changes.
38. Mary King asked Andreiw to fax documentation for proof of the policy and its
effective dates. Andreiw said that he would have his assistant fax the information. At 1:24 p.m.
on July, 14, 2009, the Kings received a two-page fax from Alma Mireles of Andreiw’s American
Family insurance office. Although sent to the Kings, the fax cover page was actually addressed
to the Kings’ lender on the boat, who had a property interest in the collateral. The second page of
the fax was a photocopy of an insurance card correctly referencing the boat’s serial number (but
incorrectly stating its model year as 2006 rather than 2005), stating the policy term of July 10,
2009-2010, identifying American Standard Insurance Company as the insurer, and identifying
Domenico Torsen and Kevin King as the Named Insureds.
39. In reliance on Andreiw’s confirmation of coverage, the Kings believed that they had
full coverage on the boat, including property coverage, and cancelled their existing policy that
they had purchased.
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Old 10-22-2010, 03:02 PM
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Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 6 of 7 PageID #:6
40. As a licensed insurance producer, Andreiw owed King a duty to exercise reasonable
care, skill, and diligence in placing insurance coverage on the boat.
41. Whether negligently or intentionally, Andreiw did not in fact obtain any coverage for
the boat. The insurance card faxed to the Kings did not relate to an actual insurance policy for
the boat.
42. Andreiw breached his duty owed to King by falsely stating that he had placed
coverage for King, providing an insurance card for a policy that did not exist, and otherwise
failing to place the coverage requested and represented.
43. King has been damaged by Andreiw’s breach of duty in that he cancelled his existing
insurance on the boat and has no insurance coverage for the conversion of the boat’s engines,
drives, transoms, propellers, electronics, and other major equipment. King’s damages exceed
$75,000 in terms of either the pre-stripped fair market value of the boat or the cost to replace the
equipment and to repair and rebuild the boat.
44. At all times relevant hereto, Andreiw was acting as an employee or agent of
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and American Standard Insurance Company of
Wherefore, plaintiff Kevin King prays for judgment in his favor against defendants
Roman Andreiw, American Family Mutual Insurance Company, and American Standard
Insurance Company of Wisconsin, jointly and severally, for compensatory damages, costs, and
such other relief as the court deems just.
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Old 10-22-2010, 05:10 PM
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Thank you phragle! After spending hours reading and watching the first thread this almost made it all worth while.

Still wonder why the bank was involved, I know they have a vested interest if there is a loan....but how would the King's bank know what was going on unless A. Some reason informed by the bank B. The boat loan was in default.

Doesn't matter I guess, if that is Dom's defense it is weak at best. Even if the loan was in default it is still the King's loan and a$$.

If there is any truth to the story that Dom was trying to protect his investment because he heard the boat was being repo'd it was still a bad move on Dom's part.

Sadly I doubt Dom will do any time. The King's best bet is a civil judgment against the insurance company. they may get a judgment on Dom, but something tells me he has no assests and will never pay. By the way, if they get a fraud judgement against Dom (hard to get) it will stick for life, bankruptcy will not erase fraud.
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Old 10-23-2010, 08:11 AM
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I'd have to wonder exactly what "Investment" Dom is protecting????

Sounds like a thief of the worst kind. Imagine someone stealing your car, stripping it, then demanding storage fees to get it back

Yes, a terrible mistake was made by the Kings. Trusting a dirtbag. Happens. Now I can see how this was complicated, because they in effect, "rented" the boat out.

But it's interesting to see how this has to be a Court case with complications, when the thief really needs to spend 20 years thinking about it behind bars.

Truly amazing arrogance and boldness.
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Old 10-24-2010, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by phragle
Plaintiff, )
v. ) No. 10-CV-5661
Defendants. )
Plaintiff Kevin King brings his Complaint against defendants Domenico Torsen, Roman
Andreiw, American Family Mutual Insurance Company, and American Standard Insurance
Company of Wisconsin and states the following:
Nature of the case
1. This case is about the theft and stripping of an expensive powerboat, leaving only its
damaged hull. At all times, the boat was owned by Plaintiff Kevin King. Defendant Domenico
Torsen wrongfully converted it and caused it to be stripped of its engines, drives, props,
electronics, and other major equipment. Defendant Roman Andreiw, an insurance agent, falsely
represented that the vessel was insured. Andreiw is an agent or employee of Defendants
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and American Standard Insurance Company.
The parties
2. Plaintiff Kevin King (“King”) is an individual residing in McCordsville, Indiana.
3. Defendant Domenico Torsen (“Torsen”) is an individual residing in this district in
Bloomingdale, Illinois.

Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 1 of 7 PageID #:1
4. Defendant Roman Andreiw (“Andreiw”) is an individual residing in this district in
Itasca, Illinois.
5. Defendant American Family Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation organized
under the laws of Wisconsin, with its home office in Madison, Wisconsin, and is doing business
in Illinois and in this district.
6. American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin does business as “American
Standard Insurance Company.” It is a corporation organized under the laws of Wisconsin, with
its home office in Madison, Wisconsin, and is doing business in Illinois and in this district. It is
part of the American Family group of insurance companies.
Jurisdiction and venue
7. Jurisdiction is proper in this court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332(a)(1), because the
plaintiff and defendants are citizens of different states and the amount in controversy exceeds
$75,000 exclusive of interest and costs.
8. Venue is proper in this district, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(a)(1) or (2), because the
defendants reside in this district or because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving
rise to King’s claim occurred in this district.
Count I – Conversion of the vessel (Domenico Torsen)
9. The subject vessel was a 2005 OuterLimits 39-foot Quattro luxury offshore
powerboat with twin 600 hp Mercury Racing 600 sci engines, Hering propellers, SmartCraft
electronics, and other high performance equipment.
10. King purchased the boat new in 2005 for $630,000.
11. In the spring of 2009, Torsen expressed interest in purchasing the boat from King.
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 2 of 7 PageID #:2
12. In May 2009, King entrusted the boat to Torsen. By mutual agreement, the boat was
to be transported from Florida to CK Motorsports in Nunica, Michigan, who would inspect the
boat on Torsen’s behalf. Torsen was to pay King $265,000 for the boat, subject to the inspection.
13. King paid $1,375 to have the boat transport to Nunica, Michigan.
14. The boat was fully equipped and in ideal running condition when it was entrusted to
15. While the boat was in transit, Torsen contacted the driver and re-routed the boat to
16. After receiving the boat, Torsen told King that approval of his loan to purchase the
boat was delayed but that he would agree to pay King $3,800 per month to use the boat until his
financing was in place. King agreed to the rental by Torsen until financing was arranged but for
no longer than 24 months.
17. Torsen agreed to obtain full coverage insurance on the boat. King had offered to add
Torsen to King’s existing insurance policy, so long as Torsen would pay the premiums, but
Torsen insisted that they use another agent to place new coverage.
18. Torsen soon failed to make his rental payments for the boat, aggregating monthly
payments, and bouncing checks.
19. King and his lender demanded the return of the boat.
20. Initially, Torsen refused to return the boat and refused to say where it was.
21. The boat at times was kept by Torsen in a storage building in Hanover Park, Illinois,
but Torsen would not give the address to King or his lender.
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 3 of 7 PageID #:3
22. Torsen told King’s lender that he was “storing” the boat for King and that King owed
him $18,000 in unpaid storage fees on the boat. Torsen told the lender that he would not release
the boat until he collected the “storage” charges.
23. Torsen and the lender agreed to meet in Grand Haven, Michigan to exchange the boat
for a payment by the lender of $5,000.
24. In early July 2010, Torsen met with Jeff Henderson, owner of Henderson Marine, in a
parking lot in Grand Haven. Henderson was there to represent King’s lender. Torsen delivered
the stripped and damaged hull of King’s 2005 OuterLimits 39 Quattro, and Henderson gave
Torsen a Henderson Marine check for $5,000.
25. Henderson asked Torsen about the missing engines and other boat equipment. Torsen
falsely stated that King had delivered the boat to him in its current condition.
26. Before the boat was returned, Torsen caused the boat to be stripped of its engines,
drives, transoms, propellers, electronics, and other major equipment. All that was returned by
Torsen was a damaged hull.
27. The boat was stripped at CK Motorsports in Nunica, Michigan at Torsen’s direction
upon the false representation by Torsen that he had purchased the boat from King and that he,
Torsen, was going to equip the boat with even larger engines and other equipment.
28. At all times relevant hereto, King was the lawful owner of the boat, and Torsen was
without any authority to remove the engines and other equipment. Torsen was authorized only to
use the boat in return for his monthly payment of $3,800 and maintaining insurance.
29. On July 8, 2010, King’s wife, Mary King, called Torsen and asked, “Domenic, where
are my engines?” Torsen responded by yelling, “You’ll never know and I’ll never tell. If you
ever come to Bloomingdale, you’ll never see daylight again. I’ll kill you and your husband.”
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 4 of 7 PageID #:4
30. Torsen threatened the Kings again on July 16, 2010. He called Mary King at 12:35
a.m. and, after screaming various profanities, yelled, “I’m going to kill you and your entire
family. I’m going to introduce you to Chicago law.” Mary hung up the phone, and Torsen called
right back, but Mary did not answer. Torsen then called Kevin King’s phone, but Kevin did not
31. Thus far, the boat’s engines and other equipment have not been recovered.
32. King has been damaged by Torsen’s conversion in an amount exceeding $75,000 in
terms of either the pre-stripped fair market value of the boat or the cost to replace the equipment
and to repair and rebuild the boat, the amount paid to have the boat transported from Florida to
Nunica, Michigan, the lost rentals, and other amounts incurred by King as a consequence of the
33. Torsen’s conversion was willful and wanton in that he refused to return the boat when
demanded, refused to return the boat in its original condition, refused to communicate, failed to
make the rental payments, failed to obtain insurance on the boat, knew that he had no authority
to remove the engines or any other equipment from the boat, intended to profit from the sale of
the engines and other equipment, fabricated the story that he was “storing” the boat for King, and
has threatened to kill Kevin and Mary King and their family.
Wherefore, plaintiff Kevin King prays for judgment in his favor against defendant
Domenico Torsen for compensatory damages, punitive damages, costs, and such other relief as
the court deems just.
Count II – Breach of insurance producer’s professional duty
(Roman Andreiw, American Family Mutual, and American Standard)
34. King adopts and realleges Paragraphs 1 through 33, above, as Paragraph 34.
Case: 1:10-cv-05661 Document #: 1 Filed: 09/07/10 Page 5 of 7 PageID #:5
35. After Torsen agreed to provide full coverage insurance on the boat, King asked for
proof of insurance. Torsen provided King with the name of the insurance agent, the agent’s
telephone number, and the name of the insurance company: Roman Andreiw (630-671-1070),
American Family Insurance.
36. On July 14, 2009, Mary King used the internet to confirm that Roman Andreiw was a
licensed agent in Illinois with American Family Insurance. She then called Andreiw to confirm
the existence of the insurance on the boat, the terms, and who and what was covered.
37. Andreiw confirmed that he had placed a boat policy on behalf of Torsen and King
and that Torsen had paid the premium in full for one year. Andreiw verified that, if anything
happened to the boat, the claim check would be payable to King as the registered owner.
Andreiw further stated that King would be notified of any policy changes.
38. Mary King asked Andreiw to fax documentation for proof of the policy and its
effective dates. Andreiw said that he would have his assistant fax the information. At 1:24 p.m.
on July, 14, 2009, the Kings received a two-page fax from Alma Mireles of Andreiw’s American
Family insurance office. Although sent to the Kings, the fax cover page was actually addressed
to the Kings’ lender on the boat, who had a property interest in the collateral. The second page of
the fax was a photocopy of an insurance card correctly referencing the boat’s serial number (but
incorrectly stating its model year as 2006 rather than 2005), stating the policy term of July 10,
2009-2010, identifying American Standard Insurance Company as the insurer, and identifying
Domenico Torsen and Kevin King as the Named Insureds.
39. In reliance on Andreiw’s confirmation of coverage, the Kings believed that they had
full coverage on the boat, including property coverage, and cancelled their existing policy that
they had purchased.
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