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Old 04-28-2002, 09:20 AM
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OK smart web sites just books...

The secret history of how the west armed Iraq
SPIDERS Alan Friedman

secrets of an Iran Contra Al Martin..US NAVY

And I have a copy of the Report of the Congressional Committeess Investigating the Iran Contra Affair
This report is 700 pages and all facts...

Why don't you start with these....If you can read
Old 04-28-2002, 09:27 AM
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I rest my case...
Old 04-28-2002, 09:33 AM
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Al Martin...well then, I guess you give equal weight to Oliver North?

Well of course you wanting to actually get at the "truth" and all...I mean, come on, one service man to another...right?

You really are a nut case...
Old 04-28-2002, 09:34 AM
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Hey lite what does that mean...Al Martin spent his whole life in the Navy and ONS

The Iran Contra Report is Authentic...Are you saying your "honest government" made a fraudulant report....?

These books are very good these smart ass and I will give you another list...I have a feeling your the one on the "web sites" and not reading books by credible authors...I suggest that you refrain from posting in response to this have embarressed yourself enough...
Old 04-28-2002, 09:37 AM
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LMAO...yep..."I have embarased myself enough"..well, one thing for sure...Giving a whack job like you the time of day IS an I will give you THAT point...
Old 04-28-2002, 09:40 AM
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How 100th post was wasted on a fruit cake...

Guess I will just have to go out and boat!

Are there Manatees in the lakes of Virginia???
Old 04-28-2002, 09:45 AM
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Lite....I don't get it...Do you think Iran Contra ever happened or do you even know what it is and what happened....?...I have also read Ollies book UNDER FIRE and I can tell you that he wasn't completly honest about everything.....You are not well informed yet still willing to argue a point you know nothing about...DO YOU THINK IRAN CONTRA WAS ALL CONSPIRACY???????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????....We ll...?????????????
Old 04-28-2002, 10:10 AM
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Crash...I am old enough to understand that politics is a dirty business...Are you foolish enough to lap up everything you read that "confirms" what you already believe??? That republicans are the devil?

Sure seems like it to me...Oliver North was lying yet this Al Navy dude always tells the truth...

Tell me again...who was sent to jail over Iran Contra and HOW long ago was that? You see, in this pointless little game, I can counter-point you to death over your OPINION on Iran Contra...

I can show that Iran Contra was nothing more than a political ruse by the democrats to try and "pin" something on the republicans..

At the end of the day, the day was wasted arguing over politics and no one is the wiser...

Just get it all done in one fell swoop man!

Just say Bush is the devil and no matter what anyone says, its YOUR truth...damn man, get it done...

hmmm...I didn't realize GW was involved in Iran about that...

I guess once again you made me look silly...

Crash...did I mention that opinion thing to you??? You sure seem to have an awful big "one"...

BTW...aren't you the same fool that bought the DNC grab on Enron hook line and sinker? LMAO at you again...guess you read a "book" on that one too...

Yep..a sucker born every second...
Old 04-28-2002, 10:42 AM
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Default wtf

Do any of you dip****s wanna talk about boats or are you guys planning an assasination
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Old 04-29-2002, 05:21 PM
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With all due respect, boating is an extra and is usually a result of being blessed enough to own one. I know this is a boating website and that passions run high when these kinds of topics (politics, etc.) come up. I really enjoy boats and talk boats 95% of the time on this website. It can very difficult to ignore some of these issues without responding to them. I believe it's healthy to have these conversations from time to time...passions run deep and the debating can be most ferious. I'm certainly not perfect and have stuck my foot in my mouth at times, but I believe I have acted within a certain amount of decency while responding to some of these topics/threads. I love America (not saying that any of you don't) and the principles and doctrine that our founding fathers found them upon. Obvious to most of you I believe they were biblical. It runs THICK in my blood and I guess I just can't help myself sometimes. When I watch the History Channel and see those WWII actual combat footage of our men in uniform storming the beach at Normandy and watch a few of them fall and die right there in front of the camera I always get the chills and think to myself: That brave soul just gave his life for his country---my country---OUR country that you and I might be free. Thousands if not millions of these men in uniform sacrificed their lives for us all. And I for one want to make sure that their sacrifice counts and is remembered. Therefore, am NOT going to live my life in veign(spelling?). Some may think I am going overboard here, but I'm willing to fight and die if need be for what I believe in too. Therefore, with all due respect, if anyone thinks OSO needs to have me be removed from participating in this site any longer then so be it. GOD bless America!

Last edited by KAAMA; 04-29-2002 at 05:30 PM.
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