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The TALL TALES and ADVENTURES of Chris Sunkin


The TALL TALES and ADVENTURES of Chris Sunkin

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Old 06-16-2012, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by PhantomChaos
It's there...............it's all there. LOL
I must admit I haven't read every post in this thread, but it is clear that CS is a complete bullsh*tter from reading just page one of this thread, but am I to understand he is a con man too? What did he do? Or what page of this thread should I read to get the answer.

There certainly have been some interesting and controversial characters on this site.

Interesting stuff on a bored Saturday-night (trying to behave).
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Comanche3Six
The most recent and probably Sunkin's greatest accolade is being historically documented as we speak.
These incredible & top secret facts are now being released by the Government. Chris Sunkin actually trained Seal Team Six for the assault on Bin Laden's compound. Not only did he train them but he participated in the attack! Flying the BlackHawk helicopter that entered & subsequently crashed in the compound (his Apache powerboat throttling experience is what saved all from injury). Chris, upon the impact immediately wrapped a ammo belt around his person & stormed the house. It was recorded by one of the team member's helmet cams Binny saying "Oh Allah, not Sunkin!" But, you know Chris....he fought his way up to Osama's position and shot him! He was award OBL's AK47 as a trophy for his heroic effort.
Watch the History channel, they are doing a special about it.
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Old 06-16-2012, 09:27 PM
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This one's kind of cool. He actually got called out in '08:

Originally Posted by RaggedEdge
Odd statement coming from the guy that was the first to put Reggie's face all over here. You figure that no one would take it and run with it? Or was that the deal to start with?

Indulge me with answers to a couple simple questions here if you would,

1) What exactly is your problem with Reggie, and / or the product he builds?

2) What do you, if you, curently own for a boat? Dosen't seem to show up anywhere, just wondering why.
Yes, the pic all part of the fun.

I've posted a detailed explanation about Reggie but I'll give you a recap-

Reggie is a megalomaniac self-promoter. He's done lots for the sport but he's also run alot of good competent builders out of the business. He took his public in '86 with an IPO around $9. Adjusted for market growth over 22 years, the stock should be trading today at about $70. It's under a buck. So, he's not much of a businessman. I could go on but my present beef with Lord Reggie is that he's got his PR goons on the loose and they're here. They have a place in the PR section but they're venturing into the forums. Now you may notice that almost half of the advertising on this site is Fountain or Fountain co-op. I saw Powerboat Magazine reduced to a shill for Reggie's boats and I don't want to see it here. And the Cat Killer stuff is pure garbage.

As far as the boats he builds, while he may refer to them as the best, fastest, safest boats ever built, they're not. They build a good boat but there are a half-dozen plus builders that build a product that wholly eclipses the best Fountain has ever turned out. Not a bad boat, not a great boat. Definitely not what Reggie purports them to be.

On the boats-

41 Apache
35 Cigarette
24 Cigarette
19 Spectra
and a Searay

You can see pics of the Apache in the Apache section, there's a whole thread about the re-do of the 35 Cig in the Cigarette section, I just purchased the 24 Cig from HORBA founder Charlie McCarthy and the Spectra is just a toy.

Did I pass?
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Old 06-16-2012, 09:31 PM
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Damn, I never knew Sunkin was a low life liar, I thought he raced boats and was some kinda big shot on OSO, that first page of links is pretty damning, sounds like he has lied so much he doesn't even know what the truth is , Smitty
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Old 06-16-2012, 09:53 PM
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Did he sell any members fake Rolex watches?
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Old 06-17-2012, 12:21 AM
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Some of the Sunkin threads are locked these days...



And a couple of interesting quotes in various threads that popped up in search.

From the Apache 41 knock-off thread (July 09):

"Again, you dodge direct questions.

You speak as if you have knowledge about the boat. You cast aspersions upon it. You've never seen it, you've never been on it and you don't personally know anybody that has. In fact you have no direct, first-hand knowledge of anything that went on at Chief.

Are all those points true? (we already know the answer)

Then why do you continue to post negative comments about something you know absolutely zero about?

There are a number of reasons the Chief project didn't move forward. Not a single one of them has anything to do with the boat. had you ever been on it, you'd know that. If you can find time in your busy schedule, you can still have that opportunity. But my guess is you really don't want anything to do with the truth about ANYTHING. You might find out things that go against your thinking and certainly against all the misinformed and uninformed, 2nd and 3rd party drivel ypu pawn off here as your own experience-based knowledge.

I'm bringing Bobby and the Chief to Jersey later this month. I'll let you know in advance when we'll be there. We're going to park it in the street in front of your house and give you every conceivable opportunity to see it all for yourself. You're still on Morris Avenue, right?"

"Out of respect for a place that many of my friends and I helped build from a handful of boaters to a major presence in the world of offshore, I try to keep my visits here just to the occasional peek. But when I hear of anyone disparaging one of the greats of the sport and a good friend, I can't let it pass without challenge.

My apologies for this nonsense being here to the rest of you. But Ed's comments are unfair and unfounded and people that don't know all the details have the right to know the facts."

"But the boat speaks for itself- loudly and clearly. The bottom design is absolutely unique and works unimaginably well. When you full-lock turn it at 80, you're an instant believer."

"You've been backed into a corner by your own mouth. Your bluff has been called. You're unwilling to own up to the statements that you've made on here over the years.

I've given you a gold-plated opportunity to sit in front of the man you consistently have spoken disrespectfully about and diminished his accomplishments. I've given you the chance to first hand evaluate the capabilities of a boat that's design you've repeatedly mocked- without any first-hand knowledge. And it "doesn't interest" you. It interests you enough to bash it without really knowing anything about it, but you can't be troubled to come 5 miles from your home at your own convenience to see and run it? That doesn't say much about you then, does it?

As for your other comment, I've never been unfairly negative about OSO. I was mildly but fairly critical of the new owner's plethora of missteps in their early months. All of it 100% fair. When the site first sold I was one of those people imploring those who were concerned about the future to give it time. Those posts are still there for you to see should you care to look. Not until the wheels were coming off the wagon around here did anyone do anything to find a new home- and only when a total collapse looked imminent. As far as negativity about Apache? Are you serious? Nobody is a bigger fan. I just find your McManus bootlicking to be nauseating.

Your recent post is just another example of your typical behavior. Fabricate whatever you choose even when the history and the record goes against your thoughts.

The offer is still there- come out and put some actual experience behind all the drivel that you post."

In the serious race boat thread:

"I was digging thru some old pics and happened across this. It's my old Velocity 30 race boat. It's a 1980 hull that originally belonged to Jay Smith (past president of the APBA), The fellow I bought it off of renamed it from Putt-Putt to Serious. After a complete, down-to-the-last-bolt restoration, I sold it (just married/new baby) and it sat in storage for almost 20 years. It resurfaced recently not far from me. Thought you might enjoy seeing it"

"I had a set of Banks turbocharged/intercooled 496's in it with alcohol injection and I ran out of willingness to push further on the throttles at 113. It sold with a set of small blocks in it that ran mid-80's.

This was 20 years ago. 496 was a big-inch motor and 70 was hauling a$$."

"Yeah, I've had one of just about everything. Of all of them, that boat was the one that required the most amount of driving. But in equal size & power, nothing could keep up with it- and it was far from a lightweight. If you popped off the deck, you could fit a 28 Cig inside of it."

Always ready with good advice:

"You don't take a faxed copy of the check to the bank. The customer faxes you a copy of the check. You take the information on the check and enter it into a program, put a blank check form in the printer and print out a check draft, which you deposit. I've been doing it since '96. Virtually every company in America that deal with consumers takes checks via phone- all you need is the info printed on the check.

Do a search on "Check 21"- that's the recent banking laws that remove the need for a paper check and allow the use of electronically-transmitted data."

"On the Coast Guard documented boats I have bought & sold, it always involved an agent that handled payment along with transfering the paperwork. A boat broker can probably handle this for you for a small fee as well.

On another note, the more someone wants cash, the less comfortable I am in dealing with them. Most guys are losing money of the transaction so capital gains shouldn't be a consideration. It could be a red flag for a guy transferring an asset that while he may be able to produce a clear title for, he may not be legally permitted to sell it- like a divorce settlement or bankruptcy. You may find yourself in a situation where the boat is seized from you because he lacked the ability to legally convey it. If he doesn't have the cash, that may make him a felon, but it doesn't do you any good."
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Old 06-17-2012, 12:34 AM
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Default Did I hurt your widdle feelings?

And my personal, all-time favorite-
man, it was good times during the summer of '08 and the election.

Taking Away Jay's "Toy"

I am attempting to follow the lead of some other members who are seeing the light on this non-stop nonsense. To that end, I plan on posting the following each and every time Jayboat starts taunting me with his baiting comments and his insults of my beliefs.

If you'd care to join me, I'd certainly invite that.


I will no longer be Jayboat's rube. I will not allow him to bait me into pointless discussions by insulting me, my lifestyle, my beliefs or my patriotism. I cannot change his viewpoint since he possesses none of his own, so I will no longer try.

Jayboat is welcome to express his thoughts, I just choose no longer to engage him.
Bye, Jay.

Bye, Chris.
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Old 06-17-2012, 12:57 AM
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Ok, one more and I gotta go-

No, Jay, that's just a common thing with most men. I know few that would sit back and listen to your punk-a$$ name-calling and your childish attempts at provoking a reaction. You'd get back-handed like the little bi.tch you are.

As far as my perspectives on things, I have something that you will never grasp, let alone possess. I have passion. Passion for my work. Passion for my beliefs. Passion for my family and the things I involve myself in. That's allowed me to have a very full life with may accomplishments I'm proud of. You on the other hand, do nothing, have nothing and will leave this earth with little sign you were ever here. And that's sad.
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Old 06-17-2012, 06:39 AM
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Wow, we could write a book about this clown.

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Old 06-17-2012, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by thirdchildhood
Wow, we could write a book about this clown.

Well, the cover art is done.

We'll get bobcat to write the liner notes when he can pull sunkin's cock out of his mouth long enough to pick up a pen.
fundyrazor can do the proofreading- he spells real good.
and of course, raticle is the obvious choice for literary agent- he knows how to work the phones.
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Last edited by jayboat; 06-17-2012 at 07:53 AM.
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