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Old 01-07-2003, 08:49 AM
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This is a good test for your new girlfriend and from the sounds of it she's not bailing out. sounds like she's sticking with you despite the B.S. and thats most important. Hope things work out for you.
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Old 01-07-2003, 08:59 AM
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Just keep your cool! Remember good guys always win!!!!!
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Old 01-07-2003, 09:01 AM
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Is this Jen? Email me pics and I'll post them in the unsencored section for you. That'll teach her.

I'm allways glad to help bud.
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Old 01-07-2003, 09:25 AM
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Not gonna mention names but we know who it is.....this is for my own good.....and no you can't get blood from a rock......but soon that rock might have some blood so i'll wait till then.But it's not about the money well not to me.That's over and done with.I don't trust this girl and she is extremely unstable.She is seeing someone else or at leats was.I DO NOT CARE!.Good luck to her leave me alone!.It is harder than hell to explain and be cautious about your Ex around your new girl and not get the new one upset with constantly seeing the old one around town.Just waiting for the next move by her.What will be the next thing she does?

I give seriuos props to my girlfriend Tammy.......she has put up with this and has ZERO problem with it.She just asks that she is informed about what is going on and when The EX is around.Now Miss Tammy can be a little protective of me and this is to be expected from a I don't see her putting up with any of my EX's crap.Of which is totally new to me as you guys already know my ex had NO problem with any other girls attention of any form towards me.Now it seems she doesn't want me nor can any one else have me.Well I guess that Bipolar is kicking back in again.............
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Old 01-07-2003, 10:56 AM
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Greetings Shor....

You think things are bad now?...they can get a whole hell of a lot worse in the blink of an eye. Trust me amigo..I've been there.

The state's attorney doesn't give a flying **** about whether you didn't do something - you're a man. If you have tits and a p*ssy, your word is enough and **** any contrary testimony or outright proof showing you didn't.
Wanna know what can happen if you get accused of violating that restraining order? Kiss your ass goodbye...the court system doesn't f*ck around with men who violate orders of protection/restraining orders. And do you think it actually matters if you actually DID violate the restraining order? only matters that she SAYS you violated the order. You go to jail...and can explain your side months later when you finally get a court date. And oh yeah...spend about $5K on a lawyer.
Get accused of violating an order twice?...all the money in the world won't be enough to bail you out.
And God forbid you don't have CONCRETE, IRREFUTABLE, IRONCLAD proof showing you didn't actually do something. MIGHT get off if the Pope vouches for you. Otherwise get used to sucking pole in the slammer and having a police record when you get out.

I was lucky...VERY LUCKY. My ex was too stupid and f*cked up her lies...and I was smart enough and lucky enough to get a piece of hard, irrefutable proof showing she lied. But it still cost me a chunck of money, 2 days in jail, time off work to go to multiple court hearings, my reputation was trashed, my local law enforcement people got to know me real well, and a great deal of my sanity was spent being pissed off.
Can I go after her in civil court? BET. Will I win?...without doubt. My lawyer has sharp teeth and a taste for human flesh...he's really good. I wouldn't even need a would be like shooting fish in a barrel blindfolded.
But like you all I want is the nightmare to be over and move on with life.
You want to e-mail me I'd love to take this out of this forum and address your options with you - Psycho Ex still peruses this site and while I won't give her handle out, some of you have heard the stories and know the sh!t I've dealt with so I don't need any crap.
You need to be really careful Shor...I'm serious as a heart attack about that. You're in a very bad spot...worse than you can imagine - trust me.
I lost 99.9999% of my faith in the "system" and in law enforcement over this issue....2 t!ts and a p*ussy take you really far in cases like this.
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Old 01-07-2003, 11:32 AM
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GLH had good advice for you; document everything even handwritten notes. The emails are documentation. Document the meeting she had with your boss. Have your attorney send her a letter warning her to stay away from you!

I would file a claim in small claims to get back the $ if the settlement stipulated she was to pay it off. Debt goes with the assets that are associated with them. Your car should have been released as co-lateral and her truck placed as her colateral.

I would consider asking for a PO from her since this clearly is the case, or check on a stalking law.

Bottom line keep your cool and your wits. Try to stay away from places you are likely to run into her.

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Old 01-07-2003, 12:09 PM
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Well I know this will clarify a little.....we were never married and share no mutual property anymore.....

We did live together for a couple years.....

I have filed affidavits for violation of her own restraining Which swore to her Im's on the computer and her conversation with my employer.I also noted that she did the whole drinik thing.I want to clarify that I have not seen this girl out at any of the clubs in longer than i can imagine.She showed up and told the bartender she was gonna come sit with us.WTF?...Kim the bartender figured okay whatever....I never knew she was there.....and certainly didn't so anything other than having a girl sitting next to me.As a matter of fact I didn't even know who did it till I saw her walk away and well the look on my roommates face.....Still not mad at her......just feel this is not fair!

I have done NOTHING to deserve this and are doing everything in my power to stay away. After I filed the affidavits the judge read them and in his infident wisdom chose to taker NO action.Fore god's sake the drink thing was a form of simple battery.The Cop wouldn't even write up a report.he even knows who she is and says she is wacko....what else do I have to put up with from this trash?

I can't wait to see what happens this weekend from this weeks events at my roommates shop.........My ex doesn't take rejection very well!Nor being told to F-off and leave.......but I am sure i will get the blame for this soomer or later!...
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Old 01-07-2003, 12:31 PM
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I had to get one of those restraining orders for my daughter after some punk started bothering her and her new boyfriend. Read that thing carefully it does have teeth. Both ways, she has to stay away from you as well. If she continues to harrass you she may be in violation of her own restraining order.
Have a buddy document on video her doing her most evil and take to the Judge that issued the order. That may turn the tide in your favor. However at all cost, dont get in touch with her or your the one doing the violating.
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Old 01-08-2003, 11:17 AM
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I don't know how OP's work in Florida, but in Illinois if YOU are the one that got served the OP then YOU cannot have contact with the person who filed it.
THEY can call you, come over to your house, e-mail you, get within 1 foot of you - and there is NOTHING wrong with it as far as the OP is concerned.
Also, you cannot file "cross complaint" orders of protection. Once an OP has been filed against you, you cannnot then file one against the other person.

Of course when you FINALLY have your day in court you can explain it to the judge and have the OP quashed. But in the meantime you walk a VERY fine line and are at the mercy of someone who may be mentally unstable.
What I always did when I went out was to immediately get the manager of the establishment I was at, explain the situation, and simply asked that if Psycho showed up that SHE be asked to leave because I was already there. (one time she jumped into my boat, stole the keys, and left me and 3 others stranded at 1a.m. at a waterfront bar/restaurant. Had to leave the boat there and change ingition switches the next day - don't worry - I now know how to hot-wire my boat so that will never happen again).
100% of the time they (managers) were understanding - most who knew my situation (she is a remarkably memorable whacko) remembered me as the weeks went by and had NO problem asking her to leave if/when she showed up somewhere I was at.

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention she was drinking buddies with the judge that signed off on the OP. I had him recuse himself from my case - sad sack piece of sh!t should be taken off the bench for what he did. I have no faith in the justice system....
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Old 01-08-2003, 05:04 PM
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Oh buddy this sounds familiar......I have been told by some people that she was screwin some cop here.......No big deal then came the OP......Go figure......she wanted to get out of paying....fine....but screw my record up at the same time....shame on U!.......

I have had NO ZERO record with law run-ins till now...and will continue this way of life.....this just scares me a biut because she is rather unstable.......her moods are like the tides.......and go by NO actions of anyone but's sad but i feel sorry for her still and the poor bastard she deals with next.... God help him.

I understand the part where she can;t get in trouble for violating her ownOP but she commited simple battery against me and the cop didn;t do anything about..even with my deep concerns......hell I had to go have someone get my car from where it was parked to move it up front into the managers spot so they could keep an eye on it......that's friggin pathetic....

I really feel it may be in my best interest to file a OP against her and it has been suggested twice by different that is still possible.....$135 possible but still possible.

I will never understand women....well i take that back.....I will never understand that woman!.......she just doesn't get it....her actions hurt people in her life and it ALWAYS comes back to her......she was a girl that if she EVER asked me for help I would have done anything in my power to help her.......NOT NOW!....NOT NEVER!......I helped her out on some things right before this all blew up and this is what i get.......Shame on them the first time...then Shame on me the next!.....
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