
River Tax !!!!

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Old 10-10-2007, 01:40 PM
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yea owasso was throwing a fit about it too because they said it wouldnt help them so i agree give north tulsa to owasso
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Old 10-10-2007, 01:54 PM
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Tulsa already has higher sales tax than Dallas, kc or st louis. You can't come here or leave with out paying a toll. The crooks always come up with these great ideas as to why we should raise our taxes for a few years but when the time comes the tax NEVER comes off. I also was surprised that it didn't pass. Normally all you have to do is tell the narrowed minded people of tulsa that it is for our CHILDREN, for our ROADS or for our FUTURE and everyone bends over, votes yes and gets fuked! Why would anybody want higher taxes? I wish they would just keep raising the taxes to 100% than the goverment could take care of me!
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by gsmith9898
Tulsa already has higher sales tax than Dallas, kc or st louis. You can't come here or leave with out paying a toll. The crooks always come up with these great ideas as to why we should raise our taxes for a few years but when the time comes the tax NEVER comes off. I also was surprised that it didn't pass. Normally all you have to do is tell the narrowed minded people of tulsa that it is for our CHILDREN, for our ROADS or for our FUTURE and everyone bends over, votes yes and gets fuked! Why would anybody want higher taxes? I wish they would just keep raising the taxes to 100% than the goverment could take care of me!
There you have it! Narrow minded Move to Mars where there are no taxes..... every city has taxes just for the city... if you want to live in the City limits, you are going to pay city taxes no matter what... might as well have a nice city with a Riverwalk.

Dallas is one of the worst sh1t holes in the country..... one major reason why? THEY WONT DEVELOP around the Trinity River. Dallas is a dump.

Dallas County is:

40% black and climbing
40% hispanic and climbing
20% white and declining

I developed a huge community outside of Dallas that was annexed into the city limits a few years ago while I was developing it.... what a joke.

City tax that improves the City is called pride in your city, if you dont support city improvement,move out!
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Sea-Dated
They need to put up a wall along Admiral and stop police patrols over there, just let them kill themselves off and then take it back when they are done.

Either that or annex it ad give it to Owasso. Let it be their problem.
Don't dump north Tulsa on me! We in Owasso never did anything. Especially since we didn't even get to vote on this thing cause we live 5 ft into Rogers county.

The problem with these tax proposals is that they never go away after the project is done. I lived in Kansas City when they proposed the Bi-State tax to fix up union station. After that was all done, the government voted to keep the tax going for other purposes. The people had no say after that. Not to mention that Union Station was supposed to be a Science Center, but in reality it is a kids play land. If this had passed, the riverwalk project would have turned into something else that the money would be needed for and so on. We would never see the money again, and our taxes would continue to go up up up. Then, a year from now, they would ask for a tax increase for something else.
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by jayhawk261

The problem with these tax proposals is that they never go away after the project is done. I lived in Kansas City when they proposed the Bi-State tax to fix up union station. After that was all done, the government voted to keep the tax going for other purposes. The people had no say after that. Not to mention that Union Station was supposed to be a Science Center, but in reality it is a kids play land. If this had passed, the riverwalk project would have turned into something else that the money would be needed for and so on. We would never see the money again, and our taxes would continue to go up up up. Then, a year from now, they would ask for a tax increase for something else.
Thats exactly right! Remember a few years back when they raised our taxes for a new jail. Our grand kids will still be paying that tax 50 years from now. What a joke.
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:42 PM
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From an email I just got.

In elections people have their choice. I don't have to like other's
choices, and they don't have to like mine. They certainly won't like
this one. But I am angry, particularly at the citizens of Broken Arrow,
led by their loser Mayor, Wade McCaleb. He said on the news last night
that his community came out 4-to-1 opposed to the river plan. 4-to-1!
O.K. Broken Arrow, let's have a little talk you free loading
sons-of-*****es. BA has a nice community because of Tulsa. People make
money in Tulsa and move out to BA because they can get more bang for
their buck in housing. Citizens of BA still commute to Tulsa for their
nice jobs, using and deteriorating our streets and infrastructure, which
they did not pay for because it comes from city taxes.
Then, when a chance to really improve the entire community presents
itself, those losers refuse to tip the horse and carriage that got them
to where they are. Nobody likes taxes, but sometimes they are levied
for the greater good. But to come out and lobby so tirelessly against a
plan that will benefit everybody shows a complete lack of foresight and
judgment, likely motivated by political expediency. In other words, no
spine to do the right thing.
And the result was this loss for Tulsa County, which will have an
adverse effect on my quality of life over the next several years, as
well as that of my kids. It will also hurt my pocketbook.
So, if you won't chip in a few bucks to make the life of my community
better, then I won't chip in to yours. I will never spend another dime
in Broken Arrow. Not that it is a difficult decision. I don't need a
lame cookie cutter house, or brave sh***y traffic to have my selection
of a myriad of chain restaurants. And I've got my own movie theatres
and car dealerships.

Broken Arrow....Where Losers go to Fail !
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by masher44
M, go **** on that guys' lawn next to you.
That is where I take Shelbi to use the bathroom. She won't go in her own yard,

Originally Posted by jayhawk261
Don't dump north Tulsa on me! We in Owasso never did anything. Especially since we didn't even get to vote on this thing cause we live 5 ft into Rogers county.

The problem with these tax proposals is that they never go away after the project is done. I lived in Kansas City when they proposed the Bi-State tax to fix up union station. After that was all done, the government voted to keep the tax going for other purposes. The people had no say after that. Not to mention that Union Station was supposed to be a Science Center, but in reality it is a kids play land. If this had passed, the riverwalk project would have turned into something else that the money would be needed for and so on. We would never see the money again, and our taxes would continue to go up up up. Then, a year from now, they would ask for a tax increase for something else.
Another closed minded individual.

Think about this again when little Jayhawk grows up and has to move out of state because there are no more good jobs here. The tax averaged out to like $60 per year. Are you telling me that is going to break anyone? Get over yourselves. You hear the work TAX and you instantly think the worst. You need to educate yourselves on a topic before you go spouting off against it.

We also kissed $50 million away that a company out of Branson had already promised to us to help design and develop the river, I guess the taxes that money would have provided can just be plucked from that great money tree again.

Also, for these taxes to be extended past the expiration date, it does have to go to a vote of the people. If the people shoose to extend it, they can

Masher is right about Dallas too. It is a dump. There is a reason everyone has moved to Plano and surrounding areas.

I guess I wasn't done ranting yet after all.

Last edited by Sea-Dated; 10-10-2007 at 02:52 PM.
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Old 10-10-2007, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by masher44
Catering to the stupid low lifes got that idiot elected. What a douche bag. Find out where he lives and I am going to out ads in the paper in Browntown he is having a yard sale every weekend for the rest of the year.
One good thing is he did not get elected last time so he already campaigning for next time.
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Old 10-10-2007, 03:05 PM
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I'll be the first to say I don't know much about what was happening with this particular project as we didn't get a lot of info here in Rogers county and I don't watch the local news much. Again, I didn't have a vote in it in any event.

That being said, I'm not sure it is closed minded to cringe about more taxes so much as it is I've seen how these things go. My example of the the KC Union Station issue is a direct parallel to this one. The Union Station project has failed to be anything it was supposed to be and was a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. I can't say that the riverwalk would be a failure, but Union Station was and is.

My question would be why can't the money come from taxes already paid? I would wager there is enough waste in local government that the money required to kick this off could be found by scrutinizing the budgets and streamlining. Is this likely to happen? Of course not. Unfortunately we are just supposed to accept that and keep paying without any accounting for it.

Also, I'm not sure what jobs the Riverwalk would bring to Tulsa. Again, I haven't researched it, so I may be talking out my butt here. It seems that Riverwalk jobs are going to be restaurants and that type of thing. Are you saying that if we build a Riverwalk, industry will begin to want to be here?

In my opinion, if we want industry and companies to come here and provide jobs, we need to give them tax incentives to do so. If we can get industry here in that manner, then we can begin to take in real tax dollars at the same rates due to more people in the community, and more disposable income from all the people here.

I'd be all for this city making itself better and becoming more prosperous, but I'm not sure I agree that a city can tax its way to prosperity.
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Old 10-10-2007, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by jayhawk261
I'll be the first to say I don't know much about what was happening with this particular project as we didn't get a lot of info here in Rogers county and I don't watch the local news much. Again, I didn't have a vote in it in any event.

That being said, I'm not sure it is closed minded to cringe about more taxes so much as it is I've seen how these things go. My example of the the KC Union Station issue is a direct parallel to this one. The Union Station project has failed to be anything it was supposed to be and was a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. I can't say that the riverwalk would be a failure, but Union Station was and is.

My question would be why can't the money come from taxes already paid? I would wager there is enough waste in local government that the money required to kick this off could be found by scrutinizing the budgets and streamlining. Is this likely to happen? Of course not. Unfortunately we are just supposed to accept that and keep paying without any accounting for it.

Also, I'm not sure what jobs the Riverwalk would bring to Tulsa. Again, I haven't researched it, so I may be talking out my butt here. It seems that Riverwalk jobs are going to be restaurants and that type of thing. Are you saying that if we build a Riverwalk, industry will begin to want to be here?

In my opinion, if we want industry and companies to come here and provide jobs, we need to give them tax incentives to do so. If we can get industry here in that manner, then we can begin to take in real tax dollars at the same rates due to more people in the community, and more disposable income from all the people here.

I'd be all for this city making itself better and becoming more prosperous, but I'm not sure I agree that a city can tax its way to prosperity.
wow so many different levels of stupid.....

Yeah lets be like Dallas and all sorts of great corporate business will come in, set up shop and then LIVE in the suburbs like South Lake, Frisco and Plano... even Plano is almost a joke now. NO ONE lives in Dallas itself unless you have major bucks.... Highland or University Park.. even then it is scary at night becuase they are public streets.

Tulsa would not see much disposable income. They will be in the suburbs under the jayhawk model.

When you build a community from scratch you need to have a great draw to the community ie common facility... Something that the people take pride in and they will pay for it. This riverwalk was Tulsa's ticket into stardom.

Jobs????? As opposed to what now? the guy who picks up cans along the riner now or the guy who mows the lawns? 100s of retail opportunities and most importantly the companies that would support the new development.... landscaping, vendors and yes restaurant emplyment....

This would have been the common thread for success in Tulsa. I am sure this Union Station wasnt a failure just because it was... the idea I am sure was solid and someone screwed it up from there. I have never seen a place like the Riverwalk fail in any other city.

Taxes suck.. but there are good taxes as well and are inevitable in any substantial city.

If you gave a tax break to Exxon Mobil to move its headquarters here, who do you think makes up for the tax break????? please see the failed dallas model once again.

Dallas... lots of jobs, sh1t hole place to live so you have to move an hour away and commute, two hours most days because of the retarded traffic. DUMP!

Maybe Jayhawk is right... just dip into the big piggy bank of the city and use 250 million of it to develop the river
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